Start Nursing Services provides a service called "Support Coordination", where our experienced support co-ordinators work alongside you to plan your support. As a NDIS participant, we help you to understand your plan and connect you with the people and support that will enable you to live the life you choose.

The demands on navigating the NDIS have never been greater or more complex. As experts in the NDIS, our Support Coordination team has an established reputation and a strong network of quality providers. Our mission is to provide you with a range of choices and possibilities to help you to achieve your goals. In collaboration with you and those that matter to you, our team strives to provide innovative support to help you live your best life. Whether you're preparing for your plan, reviewing your current plan or looking for support to start your plan, we can help. To begin your NDIS journey we can meet with you in person or talk over the phone to find out exactly what you are looking for.


  • A focus on meeting your goals
  • Implementing your plan and coordinating supports
  • A commitment to finding the best support services for you
  • One-on-one meetings with us for personal support
  • Navigating and getting the most of out the NDIS
  • Mentoring and coaching
  • Arranging emotional support
  • Working with you to develop and build skills
  • Assistance to monitor your supports and ensure you are getting the most out of your plan
  • Ensuring you feel in control of your supports
  • Assisting you to make decisions about the future
  • Listen to the participant's feedback and resolve problems quickly
  • Protect the participant's privacy and confidential information


What is Support Coordination?
Support Coordination is a NDIS funded service that's designed to help NDIS participants (and, if required, their family or representatives) to coordinate the supports in their NDIS Plan to get the best out of their NDIS funding. Supports include informal, mainstream, community and funded supports.

What is 'Capacity Building'?
Support Coordination has a 'Capacity Building' approach. This means that, over time, a support coordinator will help a participant to build their skills and confidence to increase their choice and control over the management of their NDIS Plan, for example, to make arrangements, monitor budgets or find providers themselves.

What does a Support Coordinator do?
A support coordinator has an in-depth knowledge of the NDIS. They can help NDIS participants to:
  • Determine their individual needs and development goals
  • Navigate the NDIS marketplace (including mainstream, community, informal and provider options) to find supports that are best suited to meeting their needs and goals
  • Communicate with support providers, to maximize the hours of support, and complete service agreements and bookings
  • Build capacity and exercise choice and control, for example by mentoring and teaching e.g., how to use the NDIS portal, monitor budgets and find providers
  • Monitor and record their progress towards achieving their goals
  • Prepare for a NDIS Plan Review and provide support during and after

How can a Support Coordinator help with a NDIS Plan Review meeting?
A support coordinator can help participants and their representatives before, during and after a NDIS Plan Review meeting.

Before the plan review:
  • By producing a Plan Review Report to outline the services that have been arranged to meet the NDIS participant's goals. This report includes all assessment reports (to demonstrate the progress towards achieving goals while using a service, during the Plan period) and includes recommendations for future services.
  • By researching specialized services and equipment, as required.

During the plan review:
  • By supporting participants and their family or representatives on the day of the Plan Review meeting and helping them to navigate the process.

During the plan review:
  • By acting as a point of contact for National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) personnel - to provide them with the clarification and additional information required to achieve a high-quality NDIS Plan for the participant.

Who is eligible to receive funded Support Coordination services?
NDIS participants who are eligible will have Support Coordination listed under 'Capacity Building' in their NDIS Plan. Eligibility for Support Coordination is determined during a NDIS Plan Review meeting.

Can a NDIS Provider supply both Support Coordination and other NDIS supports?
Yes. NDIS Providers should have strategies in place to prevent any conflict of interest.

Does having Support Coordination reduce the funding available for other supports in my Plan?
No. Support Coordination is included in a participant's NDIS Plan in addition to other supports.